`In this example I am Using AJAX to show how you can display data using AJAX.
This will work very fast and you will see there is not page reload is occurring
Create a Web Application and modify Default.aspx html content
I am adding Script manager control and a Update Panel control, Under Update panel control add 2 labels and 2 dropdownlist control and gridview like below
This will work very fast and you will see there is not page reload is occurring
Create a Web Application and modify Default.aspx html content
I am adding Script manager control and a Update Panel control, Under Update panel control add 2 labels and 2 dropdownlist control and gridview like below
Once Modify Default.aspx, open Default.aspx.cs and modify the Page_Load and add following code.
Now we will fetch the order details of selected order number for that we need to add the following code in DropDownList2_SelectedIndexChanged event
Now we are ready with over code, just build, run and test
Hope this help you.